Antiozonate softener

AppearanceTranslucent liquid
SolubilityMiscible with water in all proportion
Chemical NatureFatty ammonium compound
Ionic NatureCationic
DensityApproximately 1.00 g/cc @ 35° C

Salient features

Offers very good antiozonate property

Imparts a soft, dry, fluffy hand to treated good Readily dispersible in water

Exhibit excellent antistatic properties

Non yellowing

Good stability to acids, alkalies, electrolytes and hardness salts

Application fields

Suitable for finishing and preparation of yarns, woven and knit goods made of natural and synthetic fibers

Suitable for the treatment of cotton and cotton blends such as knit, twill and terry cloth

Suitable for application as a single component from aqueous dilutions by padding or the exhaust method


Pad press method: 25- 30 g/L (wet / wet), 5 - 10 g/L (dry / wet)

Exhaust method: 1-2% on weight of goods

Storage & Shelf Life

WOPPER AOZ must be stored in a shaded place at normal room temperatures.

When stored in its original sealed container, it has a shelf life of at least 24 months. When the container is opened, it is advised to use the contents quickly.

The container must be closed air-tight after every use.